Night Guards
Excessive jaw clenching and bruxism can accelerate tooth and jaw deterioration. To help our patients most comfortably avoid this, we customize night guards to their bite. The night guards we fabricate act as a cushion between the top and bottom dental arches which helps to relieve pressure on the jaw joint while protecting the surfaces of the teeth from wear and tear.
What are the causes of teeth grinding?
Stress or anxiety
Obstructive sleep apnea
Certain medications or recreational drugs
At Yorkville Dental, Dr. Hobbs is certified in the application of therapeutic Botox for patients that suffer with jaw pain, TMD (temporal-mandibular disorder), migraines and even atypical dental pain. Botox is also an amazing non-surgical option for treating gummy smiles. It works by relaxing the muscles that lift the upper lip to help lower it back down to the smile line, allowing for a more relaxed and natural-looking smile. Botox can last anywhere from 3-6 months depending on how the patient metabolizes the product, but permanent results are highly unlikely. Botox is an incredible treatment that has very few risks and almost everyone is a candidate.